Synthesis of insect sex pheromones with polymeric reagent 应用聚合物试剂合成昆虫性信息素
An Advancement in Regard to Ion Exchange Resin which is Used as Polymeric Reagent 离子交换树脂用作聚合物试剂方面的新进展
Syntheses of polymeric latices for diagnosis reagent carriers 诊断用高分子胶乳载体微球的合成
Study on extraction separation rare metal ions by using a polymeric azo reagent 聚合偶氮试剂萃取稀有金属离子的研究
Conclusion It could dissolve effectively the sample ′ s interference of hemolysis, icterus, lipid, polymeric glucose while adopting improving single reagent through two point velocity method. 测定高脂、黄疸、含葡聚糖标本两种方法间有非常显著性差异。结论采用改良法单试剂二点速率法测定血清总蛋白,能有效消除溶血、黄疸、高脂和葡聚糖的干扰。
Spectrophotometric Determination of Molybdenum and Tungsten Using Polymeric Surfactant as Sensitizing Reagent 用聚合表面活性剂作增敏试剂分光光度测定钼和钨
Role of the main chain in polymeric chromogenic reagent 高分子显色剂中母链的增敏作用